Teo Yoo, best known for his role in Past lives, will star in the upcoming Lionsgate action thriller KaroshiDirected by Takashi Doscher, the film, an exciting new collaboration between the two talents, explores the intense world of burnout and extreme competition in corporate life.
Yoo plays Ken, a former financial executive in Japan who finds himself caught in a deadly race against time. The story follows Ken’s journey as he is forced into a high-stakes competition by a mysterious corporation that targets overworked professionals. Ken must confront his past and navigate the dangerous world of corporate espionage to survive.
Doscher, known for his work on Onlyis writing and directing the project. According to DeadlineDoscher described the film as an “intense action thriller” that deals with themes of “personal sacrifice, ambition and the relentless pursuit of success.” He noted, “Teo brings a unique depth and humanity to his role that will take this story to a new level.”
Teo Yoo’s participation in Karoshi signals a shift in his career toward more action-oriented roles, and he has expressed his excitement about working with Doscher, praising the script for its “compelling narrative and complex character dynamics” that match his desire to explore new genres and challenging roles.
Production on Karoshi The film is set to be released later this year and will be distributed by Lionsgate. The film is not intended to be a thrilling action film, but rather a deeper reflection on the human cost of ambition in the modern world.