GOAT is a spy thriller with a global backdrop and stars Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Sneha and Laila among others. The film adds a strong nostalgic element by reuniting actors from the 90s – Mohan and late actor Vijayakanth, whose look was specially controlled by AI. The cast of the film also includes Ajmal, Meenakshi Chaudahry, Jayaram, Vaibhav, Premji, Ajai Raj, Aravind Akash and others. The film’s music has been composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja and the film has been shot in multiple locations including Los Angeles, Russia, Tunisia and Africa.
GOAT is highly anticipated. This sci-fi action drama focuses on the life of Vijay, who plays the role of ‘Gandhi’ in the film and is introduced to the audience as a hostage negotiator, field agent and spy working for the Special Anti-Terrorist Squad (SATS) working with RAW and based in Chennai. The story unfolds while he is on a trip to Thailand with his family and gets into trouble years after his retirement and how he fights it along with his team of three members and his son Jeevan. The film is filled with numerous suspense moments with the director challenging the audience that no one can predict the next scene!
Despite speculations, the producers have clarified that GOAT is not a political film. Instead, the focus is on action and entertainment and has a few surprises in store for the audience. The trailer of the film promises intense action sequences and a story that fans are likely to enjoy. The film is generating a lot of excitement as it is likely to be the last film that actor Vijay will be a part of before he retires from the entertainment industry to enter politics full-time with his recently formed party Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam.
Industry analysts reportedly say that the film will break all the records set by Vijay’s film earlier and added that the film will have the highest opening so far this year. According to the reports, the film will collect Rs 90 crore worldwide on the first day and in advance bookings, the film has already collected Rs 65 crore.