Earlier, the film had grossed over Rs 24.5 crore through pre-bookings for its opening day. Of this, around Rs 22.83 crore came from the Tamil 2D screenings, while the Tamil IMAX 2D screenings grossed around Rs 30 lakh. The Telugu and Hindi 2D versions of GOAT grossed Rs 85.66 lakh and Rs 50.52 lakh respectively, according to film trade site Sacnilk. The film saw high pre-bookings in regions like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra.
Further details on pre-ordering at GOAT
As reported by Sack Nilk, The film has already collected Rs 11 crore in ticket sales on the first day. Including the locked seats, this figure rises to over Rs 14.6 crore. Of this total, Rs 11.2 crore has come from Tamil-speaking areas where tickets are sold at an average price of Rs 208. In Telugu-speaking regions, ticket sales have so far touched Rs 7 lakh. IMAX screenings have collected Rs 2 lakh in advance sales with average ticket prices crossing Rs 800. GOAT has sold over 5.4 lakh tickets so far.
In the United States, GOAT has grossed more than Rs 5.5 crore in ticket sales, already surpassing the advance booking figures of Vijay’s previous film. animal. Ticket sales in Tamil Nadu are Rs 600,000, Kerala Rs 130,000 and Karnataka Rs 340,000. However, Vijay’s popularity in North India remains limited with Maharashtra contributing only Rs 400,000 and Delhi-NCR region contributing less than Rs 200,000 in advance bookings.
“GOAT” is expected to be a blockbuster
Worldwide, Thalapathy Vijay’s latest film crossed the Rs 50 crore mark in advance bookings till Wednesday. Estimates suggest that the advance bookings could be between Rs 60-70 crore. With these numbers, ‘GOAT’ will cross the Rs 100 crore mark in its worldwide debut. While this is less than the Rs 142 crore of Thalapathy Vijay’s previous film, ‘Leo’, which grossed Rs 100 crore on its launch, ‘GOAT’ is expected to become his second film to gross over Rs 100 crore at the global box office.
All about ‘GOAT’
Directed by Venkat Prabhu, GOAT is Thalapathy Vijay’s penultimate film before he makes his political debut. The film will see the Tamil star in a double role. The film will also feature actors like Prabhu Deva, Prashanth, Jayaram, Ajmal Ameer, etc.